

I would include photos, but I can't figure out how to get them on here from the iPad. Thought I would write a short update on what we have been up to for those that don't know. We sold our house in Smyrna (closed April 30th) and are buying new construction that will be done June 20th. So for the last few weeks we have been living in a hotel during the week and the lake on the weekends. This has been challenging to say the least, but we have survived and in the end we get rewarded with an awesome house! During all of this moving craziness, Andrew has turned 2! We had a fun backyard party a couple weeks before we moved out. He had a hotdog (Mickey Mouse) themed party, he calls him hotdog because of the hotdog dance at the end of Mickey mouse clubhouse. At his well check appointment his stats were: 34 lbs 8 oz 99%tile, 37 inches tall 96%tile. He is a solid boy! The doctor commented on his six pack when checking his tummy. Henry is continuing to grow like crazy. He is getting really close to rolling over. He is always stretching around to see what his sister and brother are up to. We gave him his first taste of rice cereal last weekend and he loved it. I had hopes that it would help him sleep through the night, but it hasn't yet. Hopefully when we get into the house we can get on a schedule for him. Audrey will be 4 next week! Where has time gone, she seems so grown up with each new day. We are having her party at chick fil a Saturday. She is so excited! Her year is wrapping up soon with her school performance next monday, and her dance recital in a few weeks.

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